Frequently Asked Questions
- Automatic PGP File Exchange (Encryption/Decryption) via SFTP and other protocols (Upload/Download)
- Automatic Updates
- Building the file list takes too long. How to make it faster?
- Can I decrypt files encrypted by Syncovery with other tools?
- Can I use the software from a flash drive (memory stick)?
- Chaining Profiles (Running Profiles in Sequence)
- Confirmations missing, deletions disabled and similar warnings
- Copying NTFS File Security (Permissions)
- Copying open / locked files, such as Outlook or SQL databases
- Creating Profile Groups
- Deleting Files Older Than X Days
- Do you offer technical support?
- Encryption of Credentials in Syncovery
- Fixing a “cannot access left / right path” error
- How can I make sure the scheduler starts automatically?
- How can I select which subfolders to copy?
- How can I synchronize file deletions?
- How to deal with changing USB drive letters easily
- How to do Outlook Synchronization or Backup
- Licenses are perpetual – software updates free for one year.
- Preserve Modification Dates When Syncing, Copying or Migrating Files
- Running the scheduler as a service on Windows
- Syncovery supports S3 compatible storages from many providers
- System Requirements
- Upgrading
- Using Multiple Accounts With Same Cloud Storage
- What are the recommended settings for FTP with SSL/TLS?
Useful Forum Posts
- FAQ: Syncovery_Service not installed: The specified service does not exist as an installed service
- Copying Security Settings (Permissions) to Cloud Storage
- FAQ: Connecting to Sharepoint
- FAQ: Unable to connect with OneDrive for Business
- FAQ: Sharepoint or OneDrive for Business creating multiple versions for each upload
- FAQ: Amazon S3-compatible storage providers