Syncovery supports various providers of S3 compatible storage.
Since version 9.33, Syncovery comes with a list of S3 servers to choose from, as well as a Custom setting to specify any server URL. The list is available in the Windows and macOS Desktop GUIs. On Linux, please specify bucketname@server.url to access non-AWS servers.
These are the S3 providers that Syncovery has been tested with, in alphabetical order:
- Amazon AWS
- Digital Ocean Spaces
- DreamHost
- Google Cloud Storage
- Linode Object Storage
- MatrixStore Cloud
- Scaleway Object Storage
- Storadera
- Wasabi
Some of these providers work with multiple different S3 API endpoints, and you’ll get a pop-up info box about how to specify the bucket along with the endpoint.
If you don’t get that message, it is sufficient to specify or choose the bucket only, and Syncovery already knows the server URL.
For Google Cloud Storage, there’s also the native API option, which you can choose as an alternative to S3. It has a few advantages over the S3 API, but when authorizing Syncovery via OAuth2, you need to confirm a warning that Syncovery hasn’t been verified by Google for this API. Google have fully approved Syncovery for use with Google Drive, but for Google Cloud Storage, the approval is more difficult to get because the OAuth mechanism would provide “too broad” control over the storage. We are therefore working on an alternative authorization method for Google Cloud Storage.