Here, you can download the old Super Flexible File Synchronizer 5 for Linux.

Download Super Flexible File Synchronizer for Linux v5.71

This older Linux version is free of charge and does not take a registration code. You must agree to the License Agreement, except for the “license types” because this older Linux version is free.

However, we very much recommend upgrading to the latest Syncovery version for Linux.

Unpack the application and put it where you like! There are no special installation requirements. The unpacked download file should work out of the box.

On some 64-bit Linux systems, you may have to install 32-bit libraries to run the program. Please see Installation on 64-Bit Linuxes for details.

Known Issues

  • If the display is incomplete on the Profile Overview, please click on the Scheduler tab and then back to Profile Overview.
  • Only the foreground scheduler is available at this time.
  • A help file is not included yet.


Click here for a screenshot of the Linux version.