Amazon S3 online storage is an inexpensive place for any amount of data. After registration via the above link you can start storing data right away. There is no monthly fee and there are only low fees for storage used and Gigabytes transferred.
S3 can be specified as the left or right side of the synchronization. When using S3 for backup, it is recommended to use the right side for S3.
Click on the Internet… (world icon) button to configure the Amazon S3 access. In the dialog box that appears, please change the protocol from FTP to S3. Specify the desired bucket name and your S3 credentials.
Amazon S3 storage is divided into units called buckets. You must find bucket names that no other customer has chosen yet. Within a bucket, you can store any number of folders and files.
On the Internet Protocol Settings dialog, you can enter your S3 access details. You can retrieve the credentials on the Amazon S3 web site. You will probably want to choose the options Save Access ID and Save Secret Key.
Preserving Timestamps, Versioning
If you would like to preserve your files’ timestamps on Amazon S3, you should choose the option Filename Encoding. This also enables you to using versioning and keep multiple versions of each file in the backup storage.
There’s a separate documentation page on Versioning and Filename Encoding.
Compression / Zipping / Encryption
The files can also be zipped and encrypted. You will find these options on the Compression tab sheet. When combining compression with filename encoding, you must compress each file into a separate Zip or Sz file. So you need to choose “Compress each file individually”.
Speeding things up with the Destination Cache
You can speed up reading the file list with the setting “Cache Destination File List…”. This can be used when you are uploading to a remote folder only from one local PC by doing regular backups.
Restoring Files From Backup Storage
Please read this documentation on performing a restore.
Alternative Hosts
You can use alternative servers, for example specify this as your bucket name: