This page contains older product versions. It is recommended to use the latest versions from the official Windows download page.

Previous version (Syncovery 9)

Download Syncovery x64 9.50d for Windows   (64-Bit)

Download Syncovery 9.50d for Windows   (32-Bit)

Syncovery 9 is a free upgrade for licenses ordered on or after January 1st, 2018. All registration codes generated since then still work with Syncovery 9. Read more about
Syncovery 9, which features greatly improved SFTP transfer rates, High-DPI monitor support and many other improvements.

Previous version (Syncovery 8)

Download Syncovery x64 8.70 for Windows (64-Bit)

Download Syncovery 8.70 for Windows (32-Bit)

Syncovery 8 is a free upgrade for licenses ordered on or after August 1st, 2015. All registration codes generated since then still work with Syncovery 8. Read more about
Syncovery 8.

Previous version (Syncovery 7)

Download Syncovery x64 7.99u for Windows (64-Bit)

Download Syncovery 7.99u for Windows (32-Bit)

Version 5 is a free upgrade if you have a license for version 4.
Please continue using your V4 registration code.

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