Using Syncovery with Synology DSM 7

Syncovery works fine on Synology’s latest software called DSM 7. But you need to take some special steps to allow Syncovery to access your folders. This guide will show you the steps to add permissions for Syncovery.

Step 1: Open DSM 7 File Station

Find your folder in File Station and right-click it to access its Properties.

A screenshot showing how to find the Properties of a folder in the Synology DSM7 File Station

Step 2: Edit Permissions

Now  go to the Permission page and choose the checkbox at the bottom.

A screenshot of a Synology DSM7 dialog where permissions need to be applied to a folder

Step 3: Click the Create Button to Add a User

A screenshot of a Synology DSM 7 dialog where the CREATE button needs to be clicked to create permissions for Syncovery

Step 4: Choose Syncovery from the User List

A screenshot of the Synology DSM7 user list, from which the Syncovery user must be chosen to be given access to a folder

Step 5: Give Syncovery Permissions

Give Syncovery the required permissions and click Done.

A screenshot of the Synology DSM7 dialog showing the Syncovery permissions on a folder, which the user needs to grant

Stel 6: Click Save and you’re done!