Encryption on Synology Devices

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Encryption on Synology Devices

Post by Simplytoast »

I am trying to run Syncovery directly on my NAS rather than on a dedicated computer. I am trying to mirror the profile but earn it comes to encryption I am able to use the SZ format but for the encryption type I can only use "Zip Compatible" rather than AES-256 which is on my Mac.

Is this intentional? On an Intel64 Synology on DSM7

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Re: Encryption on Synology Devices

Post by tobias »

please choose ZIP-compatible AES 256. It's the same AES-256 that you can choose on Mac.

In the HTML web GUI, the same encryption choices are shown for both Zip and Sz formats. But only the first choice (AES 256) is supported by Sz.

It does use the same algorithm as for Zip, but of course since the container is different, it's not really zip compatible. So the label is wrong.

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Re: Encryption on Synology Devices

Post by Simplytoast »

Thanks for that. I find it weird I imported my profile from the Mac, added my encryption passphrase and seemingly it wants to re-upload everything (seemingly it is unable to decrypt the right hand side).

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Re: Encryption on Synology Devices

Post by tobias »

If the filenames are encrypted, that could be a problem.

Does the password contain any non-ASCII characters?

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Re: Encryption on Synology Devices

Post by Simplytoast »

Yes on the name encoding but I only have ASCII characters in the password.

Guess we will stick with the native Mac app then :)

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