
English Support for Syncovery on Windows.
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Post by adzlaw »

I have a basic WebDav written in XQuery. At some stage in the future, I would like to listen for a listing.request and return a number of binary files in response. A typical WEBDav listing in XML would be too big. Ideally I would to respond with a number of zipped files in some relatively small format eg JSON Zipped. Is there a specification for the response somewhere. I need to know what format to compress in ... the files are big due to the large number of small files (emls etc). Hopefully this is possible to use ZIP. I am using windows.

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Re: ListingRequest

Post by tobias »

if possible, it would be easier to just install our Syncovery Remote Service on the server. It will do all the work.

The WebDAV protocol does not need to be enhanced at all, because the communication works via files. Syncovery uploads a "listing request file", which the Remote Service sees and produces the listing file for Syncovery to download.

The Remote Service is highly optimized with multi-threading and a binary listing format that's also compressed. It's really the best choice for this purpose.

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Re: ListingRequest

Post by adzlaw »

Hi Tobias,

The WebDav is custom inside an XML engine/database for indexing EML (Custom Http endpoints providing WEBDav functionality). The remote service cannot see the XML files as they are not written to disk (several 100's of GB).

I can see the listing request file

EXCLUDE:\$RECYCLE.BI*,"Temporary Internet Files",DfsrPrivate,*.DS_Store,Thumbs.db,*.$$$,*.$syncovery,"Incoming Syncovery Packages"

I would like to respond to the request in say X * 100mb files. Basically all the data will be grabbed from the Database XQueried -> XML and then serialized to say JSON or XSLTed/Xqueried to generate the response file(s) for Syncovery. If possible I would like to know how to respond in the NEWINDEXEDFORMAT etc. I can also respond in 1 file if that is how Syncovery works

I am having to deal with lots and lots of EML files (processed to XML for various reasons including special identifiers / properties ) and expect to battle with serialization speed versus filesize for the response. I am also using GO (along with Xquery/XSLT). I could send XMLEngine info -> GO (or another language) (for special processing)-> XMLEngine -> Syncovery.

The XML engine/database is a basically a store with the file names, dates and sizes with a custom webdav (Custom Http endpoints providing WEBDav functionality). The endpoints for another HTTP protocol could be coded (eg replicate say Drive ... files/list). I am thinking that using WEBDAV with a Syncovery.listingrequest is the best way to go. WebDav is a commonly used and community protocol. It is unfortunate that it responds in such a verbose XML manner.

Any guidance would be much appreciated.

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Re: ListingRequest

Post by tobias »

the remote listing can have two modes: the original single-file mode, where large listings can be split by providing multiple sequential files.

And the new listing format with additional index, which is used to be able to create multi-threaded listings, where a number of separate listing files are created by separate threads simultaneously, plus an index. This is much more complicated.

I will try to write up some info on how to generate the sequential non-indexed listings.

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Re: ListingRequest

Post by adzlaw »

Thanks Tobias this would be very much appreciated.

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