Will Syncovery Remote Services help with two way sync between Windows and Linux?

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Will Syncovery Remote Services help with two way sync between Windows and Linux?

Post by IMTheNachoMan »

I am looking to upgrade my license but I am unsure of something and wanted to confirm.

Right now I have this license:
  • License Type = SYNCOVERY STD WIN Single User
  • Platform = Windows
I want to upgrade my license but am not sure which to get.

I have two machines:
  1. a desktop that is on 24x7 and is running Linux
  2. a laptop that is running Windows and is only on/open when I'm using it
I have Syncovery running on the desktop to do nightly backups to Backblaze B2.

I plan on installing Syncovery on the laptop to do two way mirror sync of some folders (like Desktop and Documents) with the desktop.

I am trying to figure out which license would be best for me. This is for personal use and I only have these two machines.

Since Syncovery is running on the desktop, I was wondering if https://www.syncovery.com/remoteservice/ might be helpful/worth it.

If it is, I will get the Premium Edition. If not, then I will stick with Professional Edition.

If it matters, due to my folder structure, I will have to create multiple jobs on the laptop to do the two way sync with the desktop.

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Re: Will Syncovery Remote Services help with two way sync between Windows and Linux?

Post by tobias »

thanks for your post!

The Remote Service would be able to speed up building the file list. For example, in some of my jobs, it reduces the scanning time of the folders from several minutes down to 10-20 seconds. This is because the listing is actually generated on the other machine and then downloaded as a compressed listing file, which is more efficient than traversing all the folders over the network connection.

So you would only want it if you want to speed up the "Building file list" phase.

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Re: Will Syncovery Remote Services help with two way sync between Windows and Linux?

Post by IMTheNachoMan »

Got it. Thank you!

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