Failed unmounting /home & /tmp beim Neustart oder Herunterfahren

German Support for Syncovery on Linux etc.
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Failed unmounting /home & /tmp beim Neustart oder Herunterfahren

Post by DenalB »

Hi Tobias, ich wende mich mal wieder mit einem merkwürdigen Problem an dich.

Lange Zeit habe ich Fedora Linux genutzt. Für Fedora gibt es RPM-Pakete für die Installation von Syncovery und SyncoveryGuardian. Hier trat mein aktuelles Problem nie auf.

Vor ein paar Wochen bin ich zu Arch Linux gewechselt und fühle mich hier sehr wohl. Jetzt muss man aber viele Dinge manuell erledigen. Da es keine passenden Installer oder ein AUR Paket für Syncovery und den Guardian gibt, musste ich auf die Archive zurückgreifen. Damit Syncovery nun im Browser funktioniert, muss der Hintergrunddienst manuell gestartet werden. Und damit das direkt beim Start des Rechners passiert, muss ein passender Cronjob dafür eingerichtet werden.

Über den Befehl "crontab -e" habe ich mir einen Job mit folgendem Aufruf erstellt:
"@reboot /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian start /NODUPE"

Das funktioniert auch wunderbar. So kann ich Syncovery im Browser aufrufen, weil der Dienst bereits im Hintergrund läuft.

Jedoch erhalte ich nun beim Herunterfahren und Neustart des Rechners kurzzeitig die folgenden Meldungen auf dem Bildschirm:

Code: Select all

[FAILED] Failed unmounting /home.
[FAILED] Failed unmounting Temporary Directory /tmp.
IMG_1968.jpg (119.17 KiB) Viewed 1044 times
Die Meldungen sind für ca. 2 - 3 Sekunden zu sehen, aber dann startet der Rechner neu oder fährt runter.

Mithilfe eines Benutzers im Arch Forum habe ich herausgefunden, dass Syncovery oder besser der im Hintergrund laufende Dienst schuld an diesen Meldungen ist. Lösche ich den Cronjob, sind die Meldungen verschwunden. Allerdings kann ich nicht mehr so ohne weiteres Syncovery im Browser nutzen, da der Dienst erst manuell gestartet werden muss.

Hier die Ausgabe von

Code: Select all

lsof | grep -E '/(home|tmp)'
, nachdem ich alles geschlossen habe, was mir möglich war.

Code: Select all

Syncovery  872                          denalb txt       REG               0,44      11517560     597417 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian
Syncovery  872                          denalb mem       REG               0,25                   597417 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian (path dev=0,44)
Syncovery  872 1276 Syncovery           denalb txt       REG               0,44      11517560     597417 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian
Syncovery  872 1276 Syncovery           denalb mem       REG               0,25                   597417 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian (path dev=0,44)
Syncovery  872 1277 Syncovery           denalb txt       REG               0,44      11517560     597417 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian
Syncovery  872 1277 Syncovery           denalb mem       REG               0,25                   597417 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian (path dev=0,44)
Syncovery  872 2455 Syncovery           denalb txt       REG               0,44      11517560     597417 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian
Syncovery  872 2455 Syncovery           denalb mem       REG               0,25                   597417 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian (path dev=0,44)
Syncovery  872 3960 Syncovery           denalb txt       REG               0,44      11517560     597417 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian
Syncovery  872 3960 Syncovery           denalb mem       REG               0,25                   597417 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian (path dev=0,44)
Syncovery  872 3961 Syncovery           denalb txt       REG               0,44      11517560     597417 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian
Syncovery  872 3961 Syncovery           denalb mem       REG               0,25                   597417 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian (path dev=0,44)
Syncovery 2438                          denalb txt       REG               0,44      28242728     594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL
Syncovery 2438                          denalb mem       REG               0,25                   594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL (path dev=0,44)
Syncovery 2438                          denalb   3u      REG               0,44        133120     595319 /home/denalb/.Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg
Syncovery 2438                          denalb   5uW     REG               0,35             0         64 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438                          denalb   6u     unix 0x0000000089905ae0           0t0      26901 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438                          denalb   8uW     REG               0,35             0         66 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438                          denalb   9uW     REG               0,35             0         68 /tmp/syncovery$sffs$schedulermutex
Syncovery 2438                          denalb  10u     unix 0x000000005b03b234           0t0      27820 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438                          denalb  13u     unix 0x000000003ef16563           0t0      39217 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (CONNECTED)
Syncovery 2438 2439 RunStateR           denalb txt       REG               0,44      28242728     594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL
Syncovery 2438 2439 RunStateR           denalb mem       REG               0,25                   594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL (path dev=0,44)
Syncovery 2438 2439 RunStateR           denalb   3u      REG               0,44        133120     595319 /home/denalb/.Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg
Syncovery 2438 2439 RunStateR           denalb   5uW     REG               0,35             0         64 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438 2439 RunStateR           denalb   6u     unix 0x0000000089905ae0           0t0      26901 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438 2439 RunStateR           denalb   8uW     REG               0,35             0         66 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438 2439 RunStateR           denalb   9uW     REG               0,35             0         68 /tmp/syncovery$sffs$schedulermutex
Syncovery 2438 2439 RunStateR           denalb  10u     unix 0x000000005b03b234           0t0      27820 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438 2439 RunStateR           denalb  13u     unix 0x000000003ef16563           0t0      39217 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (CONNECTED)
Syncovery 2438 2440 Syncovery           denalb txt       REG               0,44      28242728     594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL
Syncovery 2438 2440 Syncovery           denalb mem       REG               0,25                   594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL (path dev=0,44)
Syncovery 2438 2440 Syncovery           denalb   3u      REG               0,44        133120     595319 /home/denalb/.Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg
Syncovery 2438 2440 Syncovery           denalb   5uW     REG               0,35             0         64 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438 2440 Syncovery           denalb   6u     unix 0x0000000089905ae0           0t0      26901 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438 2440 Syncovery           denalb   8uW     REG               0,35             0         66 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438 2440 Syncovery           denalb   9uW     REG               0,35             0         68 /tmp/syncovery$sffs$schedulermutex
Syncovery 2438 2440 Syncovery           denalb  10u     unix 0x000000005b03b234           0t0      27820 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438 2440 Syncovery           denalb  13u     unix 0x000000003ef16563           0t0      39217 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (CONNECTED)
Syncovery 2438 2442 Syncovery           denalb txt       REG               0,44      28242728     594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL
Syncovery 2438 2442 Syncovery           denalb mem       REG               0,25                   594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL (path dev=0,44)
Syncovery 2438 2442 Syncovery           denalb   3u      REG               0,44        133120     595319 /home/denalb/.Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg
Syncovery 2438 2442 Syncovery           denalb   5uW     REG               0,35             0         64 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438 2442 Syncovery           denalb   6u     unix 0x0000000089905ae0           0t0      26901 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438 2442 Syncovery           denalb   8uW     REG               0,35             0         66 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438 2442 Syncovery           denalb   9uW     REG               0,35             0         68 /tmp/syncovery$sffs$schedulermutex
Syncovery 2438 2442 Syncovery           denalb  10u     unix 0x000000005b03b234           0t0      27820 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438 2442 Syncovery           denalb  13u     unix 0x000000003ef16563           0t0      39217 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (CONNECTED)
Syncovery 2438 2444 Syncovery           denalb txt       REG               0,44      28242728     594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL
Syncovery 2438 2444 Syncovery           denalb mem       REG               0,25                   594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL (path dev=0,44)
Syncovery 2438 2444 Syncovery           denalb   3u      REG               0,44        133120     595319 /home/denalb/.Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg
Syncovery 2438 2444 Syncovery           denalb   5uW     REG               0,35             0         64 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438 2444 Syncovery           denalb   6u     unix 0x0000000089905ae0           0t0      26901 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438 2444 Syncovery           denalb   8uW     REG               0,35             0         66 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438 2444 Syncovery           denalb   9uW     REG               0,35             0         68 /tmp/syncovery$sffs$schedulermutex
Syncovery 2438 2444 Syncovery           denalb  10u     unix 0x000000005b03b234           0t0      27820 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438 2444 Syncovery           denalb  13u     unix 0x000000003ef16563           0t0      39217 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (CONNECTED)
Syncovery 2438 2445 Syncovery           denalb txt       REG               0,44      28242728     594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL
Syncovery 2438 2445 Syncovery           denalb mem       REG               0,25                   594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL (path dev=0,44)
Syncovery 2438 2445 Syncovery           denalb   3u      REG               0,44        133120     595319 /home/denalb/.Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg
Syncovery 2438 2445 Syncovery           denalb   5uW     REG               0,35             0         64 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438 2445 Syncovery           denalb   6u     unix 0x0000000089905ae0           0t0      26901 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438 2445 Syncovery           denalb   8uW     REG               0,35             0         66 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438 2445 Syncovery           denalb   9uW     REG               0,35             0         68 /tmp/syncovery$sffs$schedulermutex
Syncovery 2438 2445 Syncovery           denalb  10u     unix 0x000000005b03b234           0t0      27820 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438 2445 Syncovery           denalb  13u     unix 0x000000003ef16563           0t0      39217 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (CONNECTED)
Syncovery 2438 2448 Syncovery           denalb txt       REG               0,44      28242728     594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL
Syncovery 2438 2448 Syncovery           denalb mem       REG               0,25                   594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL (path dev=0,44)
Syncovery 2438 2448 Syncovery           denalb   3u      REG               0,44        133120     595319 /home/denalb/.Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg
Syncovery 2438 2448 Syncovery           denalb   5uW     REG               0,35             0         64 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438 2448 Syncovery           denalb   6u     unix 0x0000000089905ae0           0t0      26901 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438 2448 Syncovery           denalb   8uW     REG               0,35             0         66 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438 2448 Syncovery           denalb   9uW     REG               0,35             0         68 /tmp/syncovery$sffs$schedulermutex
Syncovery 2438 2448 Syncovery           denalb  10u     unix 0x000000005b03b234           0t0      27820 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438 2448 Syncovery           denalb  13u     unix 0x000000003ef16563           0t0      39217 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (CONNECTED)
Syncovery 2438 3962 Syncovery           denalb txt       REG               0,44      28242728     594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL
Syncovery 2438 3962 Syncovery           denalb mem       REG               0,25                   594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL (path dev=0,44)
Syncovery 2438 3962 Syncovery           denalb   3u      REG               0,44        133120     595319 /home/denalb/.Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg
Syncovery 2438 3962 Syncovery           denalb   5uW     REG               0,35             0         64 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438 3962 Syncovery           denalb   6u     unix 0x0000000089905ae0           0t0      26901 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438 3962 Syncovery           denalb   8uW     REG               0,35             0         66 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438 3962 Syncovery           denalb   9uW     REG               0,35             0         68 /tmp/syncovery$sffs$schedulermutex
Syncovery 2438 3962 Syncovery           denalb  10u     unix 0x000000005b03b234           0t0      27820 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438 3962 Syncovery           denalb  13u     unix 0x000000003ef16563           0t0      39217 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (CONNECTED)
Syncovery 2438 3963 Syncovery           denalb txt       REG               0,44      28242728     594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL
Syncovery 2438 3963 Syncovery           denalb mem       REG               0,25                   594774 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL (path dev=0,44)
Syncovery 2438 3963 Syncovery           denalb   3u      REG               0,44        133120     595319 /home/denalb/.Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg
Syncovery 2438 3963 Syncovery           denalb   5uW     REG               0,35             0         64 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438 3963 Syncovery           denalb   6u     unix 0x0000000089905ae0           0t0      26901 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438 3963 Syncovery           denalb   8uW     REG               0,35             0         66 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe.mutex
Syncovery 2438 3963 Syncovery           denalb   9uW     REG               0,35             0         68 /tmp/syncovery$sffs$schedulermutex
Syncovery 2438 3963 Syncovery           denalb  10u     unix 0x000000005b03b234           0t0      27820 /tmp/Syncovery.MultiComPipe type=STREAM (LISTEN)
Syncovery 2438 3963 Syncovery           denalb  13u     unix 0x000000003ef16563           0t0      39217 /tmp/Syncovery.MainInterProcessPipe type=STREAM (CONNECTED)
Hättest du eine Idee, wie ich es schaffe, den Syncovery-Dienst beim Start von Arch Linux ebenfalls zu starten, ohne dass dieser die Mountpoints /home und /tmp "festhält"?

Übrigens tritt das Problem auch auf, wenn ich nicht den Guardian-Dienst, sondern direkt Syncovery per "@reboot /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL start" über den Cronjob starte.

Wie wird das im RPM-Paket geregelt? Wie startet der Dienst dann in Fedora Linux?

Posts: 1712
Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 7:37 pm

Re: Failed unmounting /home & /tmp beim Neustart oder Herunterfahren

Post by tobias »

bei RPM- und Debian-Installationen wird der Dienst über systemd vom Betriebssystem verwaltet und beim Herunterfahren rechtzeitig beendet.

Das müsste man bei manuellem Start auch machen, also eine Task erstellen, die beim Herunterfahren ausgeführt wird.

Falls der Guardian verwendet wird, braucht man
SyncoveryGuardian stop
SyncoveryCL stop

Ohne Guardian nur
SyncoveryCL stop

Posts: 106
Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2022 7:41 pm
Location: Berlin

Re: Failed unmounting /home & /tmp beim Neustart oder Herunterfahren

Post by DenalB »

Ach so, das bedeutet, der Dienst wird über systemd (oder crontab?) gestartet und dann auch wieder über systemd beendet, richtig?

Dann muss ich nun nur noch herausfinden, wie ich das realisiere ... :?

Posts: 1712
Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 7:37 pm

Re: Failed unmounting /home & /tmp beim Neustart oder Herunterfahren

Post by tobias »

ja, das macht der Dienstmanager, nicht über crontab.

Posts: 106
Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2022 7:41 pm
Location: Berlin

Re: Failed unmounting /home & /tmp beim Neustart oder Herunterfahren

Post by DenalB »

Danke. Ich recherchiere gerade dazu ... ;)

Posts: 106
Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2022 7:41 pm
Location: Berlin

Re: Failed unmounting /home & /tmp beim Neustart oder Herunterfahren

Post by DenalB »

Ich habe mir jetzt auf meinem Test-Laptop Fedora Linux und im Anschluss die beiden RPM-Pakete installiert. Dort waren dann im Ordner "/etc/systemd/system/" die beiden Services "syncoverycl.service" und "syncoveryguardian.service" zu finden.

Diese beiden Dateien habe ich in mein Arch Linux übernommen und in denselben Ordner kopiert. Im Anschluss habe ich die jeweiligen Startparameter in den Dateien geändert.

Code: Select all

Description=Syncovery Scheduler Service

ExecStart=/home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL start
ExecStop=/home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL stop


Code: Select all

Description=Syncovery Guardian Service

ExecStart=/home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian start
ExecStop=/home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian stop

Nachdem ich beide Dienste über "sudo systemctl start syncoverycl.service" und "sudo systemctl start syncoveryguardian.service" gestartet habe, habe ich dafür gesorgt, dass die Dienste über "sudo systemctl enable syncoverycl.service" und "sudo systemctl enable syncoveryguardian.service" per systemd beim Start geladen werden. Jetzt sind die beiden Dienste sowohl im Verzeichnis "/etc/systemd/system/" als auch in "/etc/systemd/system/" zu finden.

Starte ich den Rechner neu, werden beide Dienste gestartet. Frage ich diese über "./SyncoveryCL status" und "./SyncoveryGuardian status" ab, sieht das gut aus.

Code: Select all

[denalb@PROMETHEUS-ArchLinux Syncovery]$ ./SyncoveryCL status
10:53:39 SyncoveryCL v10.14.1

Reading config file /etc/SyncoveryCL.conf
Temp folder from /etc/SyncoveryCL.conf: /tmp/
10:53:39 Initializing
10:53:39 Log folder: /home/denalb/.Syncovery/Logs
10:53:39 Configuration File: /home/denalb/.Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg

10:53:39 Communication established
10:53:39 Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg
10:53:39 Waiting a bit more
10:53:40 Returning exit code 0
[denalb@PROMETHEUS-ArchLinux Syncovery]$ 

Code: Select all

[denalb@PROMETHEUS-ArchLinux Syncovery]$ ./SyncoveryGuardian status
Querying Guardian Service.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><title>Syncovery Guardian 1.60, Build 11</title><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><style>* { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }table, th, td { border: 1px solid lightgray; border-collapse: collapse; }th { background-color: #e0e9f5; color: black; }tr:nth-child(even){background-color: #f2f2f2}</style></head><body><table style="width:1000px"><tr><th style="width:1000px;text-align:left">Syncovery Guardian 1.60, Build 11</th></tr></table><br><b>Status at 10:54:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892</b><br><br>Daemon Path: /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL, Exists: Y<br>Mutex Path: /tmp/syncovery$sffs$schedulermutex<br>Running as user ID: 0<br><br><table style="width:1000px"><tr><th style="width:1000px;text-align:left">Additional Information</th></tr></table><br>Temp Path: /tmp/<br>Command Line: /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian start <br><br>Allocated Memory: 1,632 kB, Used Memory: 10,624 Bytes<br><br>SyncoveryCL Temp Path: /tmp/<br>Log Path: .Syncovery/Logs<br><br>Process List (ps) as of 22-4-24 10:53:31:<br><br>root         892       1  0 10:41 ?        00:00:00 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL start<br><br><br><a HREF="logfiles.php">Click here to see the log files</a>.<br><br><a HREF="threadreport.php">Click here to see the thread report (can take 30 seconds)</a>.<br><br><br><a HREF="startdaemon.php">Click here to start the SyncoveryCL daemon</a>.<br><br><a HREF="stopdaemon.php">Click here to stop the SyncoveryCL daemon gracefully</a>.<br><br><a HREF="terminatedaemon.php">Click here to send a STOP signal to the SyncoveryCL daemon</a>.<br><br><a HREF="killdaemon.php">Click here to kill the SyncoveryCL daemon</a>.<br><br><a HREF="terminateguardian.php">Click here to terminate the Guardian process</a>.<br><br><br><hr><br>Guardian Activity Log:<br><br><br>22-4-24 10:41:41  INFO: Guardian Service Started<br><br><hr><br>Initial output: 10:41:40 SyncoveryCL v10.14.1<br><br>Reading config file /etc/SyncoveryCL.conf<br>Temp folder from /etc/SyncoveryCL.conf: /tmp/<br>10:41:40 Initializing<br>10:41:41 Log folder: .Syncovery/Logs<br>10:41:41 Configuration File: .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg<br>10:41:41 Limited Free Edition. Remaining Pro Evaluation Days: 30<br><br>TMP=/tmp/<br>MUTEX=/tmp/<br>LOGS=.Syncovery/Logs<br><br><hr><br>Detailed Activity Log:<br><br><br>Guardian started, v1.60<br>22-4-24 10:41:41  INFO: Guardian Service Started<br>Opening pipe connection to service<br>Status at 10:41:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 0<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 11<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 11<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 11<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Status at 10:42:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:42:01<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 21<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 23<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Status at 10:42:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:42:11<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 31<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 35<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>10 messages received, closing pipe.<br>Status at 10:42:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:42:21<br>Scheduler Pipe Disconnected<br>Status at 10:42:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:42:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:42:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:43:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 35<br>Status at 10:43:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Opening pipe connection to service<br>Status at 10:43:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 103<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 106<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Status at 10:43:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:43:31<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 113<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 118<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Status at 10:43:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:43:41<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 123<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 129<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>10 messages received, closing pipe.<br>Status at 10:43:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:43:51<br>Scheduler Pipe Disconnected<br>Status at 10:44:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:44:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 129<br>Status at 10:44:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:44:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:44:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Opening pipe connection to service<br>Status at 10:44:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 193<br>Status at 10:45:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:45:01<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 201<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 203<br>Status at 10:45:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:45:11<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 213<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 213<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Status at 10:45:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 213<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:45:21<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 223<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 225<br>10 messages received, closing pipe.<br>Status at 10:45:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:45:31<br>Scheduler Pipe Disconnected<br>Status at 10:45:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:45:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:46:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:46:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:46:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Opening pipe connection to service<br>Status at 10:46:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 225<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 286<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 294<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 296<br>Status at 10:46:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:46:41<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 305<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 306<br>Status at 10:46:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:46:51<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 316<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 316<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>10 messages received, closing pipe.<br>Status at 10:47:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:47:01<br>Scheduler Pipe Disconnected<br>Status at 10:47:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:47:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:47:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:47:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 316<br>Status at 10:47:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Opening pipe connection to service<br>Status at 10:48:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 376<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 387<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 387<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Status at 10:48:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:48:11<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 397<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 399<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Status at 10:48:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:48:21<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 407<br>Status at 10:48:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:48:31<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 411<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>10 messages received, closing pipe.<br>Status at 10:48:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:48:41<br>Scheduler Pipe Disconnected<br>Status at 10:48:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 411<br>Status at 10:49:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:49:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:49:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:49:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Opening pipe connection to service<br>Status at 10:49:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 479<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 482<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 490<br>Status at 10:49:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:49:51<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 494<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 500<br>Status at 10:50:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 500<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:50:01<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 506<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 510<br>10 messages received, closing pipe.<br>Status at 10:50:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:50:11<br>Scheduler Pipe Disconnected<br>Status at 10:50:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:50:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:50:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:50:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:51:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Opening pipe connection to service<br>Status at 10:51:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 510<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 571<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 571<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 577<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Status at 10:51:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:51:21<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 582<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 589<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Status at 10:51:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:51:31<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 592<br>Status at 10:51:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:51:41<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 601<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>10 messages received, closing pipe.<br>Status at 10:51:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:51:51<br>Scheduler Pipe Disconnected<br>Status at 10:52:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:52:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:52:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 601<br>Status at 10:52:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:52:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Opening pipe connection to service<br>Status at 10:52:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 663<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 672<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 673<br>Status at 10:53:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:53:01<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 684<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 684<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>Status at 10:53:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:53:11<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 695<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg:  Pulse: 696<br>Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles  : <br>10 messages received, closing pipe.<br>Status at 10:53:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:53:21<br>Scheduler Pipe Disconnected<br>Status at 10:53:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 696<br>Status at 10:53:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:53:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:54:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br>Status at 10:54:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892<br><br><br>

[denalb@PROMETHEUS-ArchLinux Syncovery]$ 
Rufe ich im Browser nun allerdings "http://localhost:8999/" auf, erscheint die Meldung, dass die Verbindung fehlgeschlagen ist. Rufe ich jedoch "http://localhost:8900/" auf, wird mir der Status des Guardian angezeigt. Meiner Meinung nach sieht dort alles gut aus.

Code: Select all

Syncovery Guardian 1.60, Build 11

Status at 10:56:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892

Daemon Path: /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL, Exists: Y
Mutex Path: /tmp/syncovery$sffs$schedulermutex
Running as user ID: 0

Additional Information

Temp Path: /tmp/
Command Line: /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryGuardian start

Allocated Memory: 1,632 kB, Used Memory: 11,648 Bytes

SyncoveryCL Temp Path: /tmp/
Log Path: .Syncovery/Logs

Process List (ps) as of 22-4-24 10:55:51:

root 892 1 0 10:41 ? 00:00:00 /home/denalb/Syncovery/SyncoveryCL start

Click here to see the log files.

Click here to see the thread report (can take 30 seconds).

Click here to start the SyncoveryCL daemon.

Click here to stop the SyncoveryCL daemon gracefully.

Click here to send a STOP signal to the SyncoveryCL daemon.

Click here to kill the SyncoveryCL daemon.

Click here to terminate the Guardian process.

Guardian Activity Log:

22-4-24 10:41:41 INFO: Guardian Service Started

Initial output: 10:41:40 SyncoveryCL v10.14.1

Reading config file /etc/SyncoveryCL.conf
Temp folder from /etc/SyncoveryCL.conf: /tmp/
10:41:40 Initializing
10:41:41 Log folder: .Syncovery/Logs
10:41:41 Configuration File: .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg
10:41:41 Limited Free Edition. Remaining Pro Evaluation Days: 30


Detailed Activity Log:

Guardian started, v1.60
22-4-24 10:41:41 INFO: Guardian Service Started
Opening pipe connection to service
Status at 10:41:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 0
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 11
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 11
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 11
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Status at 10:42:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:42:01
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 21
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 23
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Status at 10:42:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:42:11
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 31
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 35
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
10 messages received, closing pipe.
Status at 10:42:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:42:21
Scheduler Pipe Disconnected
Status at 10:42:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:42:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:42:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:43:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 35
Status at 10:43:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Opening pipe connection to service
Status at 10:43:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 103
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 106
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Status at 10:43:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:43:31
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 113
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 118
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Status at 10:43:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:43:41
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 123
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 129
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
10 messages received, closing pipe.
Status at 10:43:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:43:51
Scheduler Pipe Disconnected
Status at 10:44:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:44:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 129
Status at 10:44:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:44:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:44:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Opening pipe connection to service
Status at 10:44:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 193
Status at 10:45:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:45:01
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 201
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 203
Status at 10:45:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:45:11
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 213
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 213
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Status at 10:45:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 213
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:45:21
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 223
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 225
10 messages received, closing pipe.
Status at 10:45:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:45:31
Scheduler Pipe Disconnected
Status at 10:45:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:45:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:46:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:46:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:46:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Opening pipe connection to service
Status at 10:46:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 225
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 286
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 294
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 296
Status at 10:46:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:46:41
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 305
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 306
Status at 10:46:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:46:51
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 316
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 316
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
10 messages received, closing pipe.
Status at 10:47:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:47:01
Scheduler Pipe Disconnected
Status at 10:47:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:47:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:47:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:47:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 316
Status at 10:47:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Opening pipe connection to service
Status at 10:48:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 376
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 387
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 387
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Status at 10:48:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:48:11
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 397
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 399
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Status at 10:48:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:48:21
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 407
Status at 10:48:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:48:31
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 411
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
10 messages received, closing pipe.
Status at 10:48:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:48:41
Scheduler Pipe Disconnected
Status at 10:48:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 411
Status at 10:49:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:49:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:49:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:49:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Opening pipe connection to service
Status at 10:49:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 479
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 482
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 490
Status at 10:49:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:49:51
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 494
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 500
Status at 10:50:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 500
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:50:01
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 506
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 510
10 messages received, closing pipe.
Status at 10:50:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:50:11
Scheduler Pipe Disconnected
Status at 10:50:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:50:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:50:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:50:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:51:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Opening pipe connection to service
Status at 10:51:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 510
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 571
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 571
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 577
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Status at 10:51:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:51:21
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 582
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 589
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Status at 10:51:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:51:31
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 592
Status at 10:51:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:51:41
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 601
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
10 messages received, closing pipe.
Status at 10:51:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:51:51
Scheduler Pipe Disconnected
Status at 10:52:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:52:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:52:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 601
Status at 10:52:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:52:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Opening pipe connection to service
Status at 10:52:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 663
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 672
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 673
Status at 10:53:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:53:01
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 684
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 684
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Status at 10:53:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:53:11
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 695
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 696
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
10 messages received, closing pipe.
Status at 10:53:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:53:21
Scheduler Pipe Disconnected
Status at 10:53:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 696
Status at 10:53:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:53:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:54:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:54:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Opening pipe connection to service
Status at 10:54:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 766
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 768
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Status at 10:54:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:54:31
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 776
Status at 10:54:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 776
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:54:41
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 780
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 786
Status at 10:54:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:54:51
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 792
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
10 messages received, closing pipe.
Status at 10:55:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:55:01
Scheduler Pipe Disconnected
Status at 10:55:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:55:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:55:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:55:41: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status at 10:55:51: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Status: Mutex=Y Service=Y Pipe=Y Pulse: 792
Opening pipe connection to service
Status at 10:56:01: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 856
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 864
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 866
Status at 10:56:11: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:56:11
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 875
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 876
Status at 10:56:21: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:56:21
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 887
Scheduler Msg: tsaSchedulerRunning 10.14.1 64 Bit (root) Scheduler is running. Using config file .Syncovery/Syncovery.cfg: Pulse: 887
Scheduler Msg: tsaNoScheduledProfiles :
10 messages received, closing pipe.
Status at 10:56:31: MutexOK=Y, PipeStatusOK=Y, ServiceOK=Y, PID=892
Pulse change detected, FLastPulseAt now:22-4-24 08:56:31
Scheduler Pipe Disconnected
Außerdem sind die Fehlermeldungen bezüglich /home und /tmp wieder beim Herunterfahren oder Neustarten des Rechners zu sehen.

Was läuft falsch? Habe ich einen Denkfehler? Was ist das Problem? :/

Posts: 1712
Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 7:37 pm

Re: Failed unmounting /home & /tmp beim Neustart oder Herunterfahren

Post by tobias »

der Dienst verwendet jetzt vermutlich eine andere Syncovery.cfg-Datei als vorher, und darin ist kein WebServer konfiguriert.

Ich habe Arch-Linux vor einiger Zeit getestet und konnte Syncovery problemlos als Debian-Package installieren!

Es gibt dpkg auch unter Arch.

Zum Beispiel mit dieser Kommandozeile:

sudo dpkg -i Syncovery-10.14.3-amd64.deb

Den Guardian würde ich weglassen, der wird nicht gebraucht und könnte eventuell beim Shutdown stören.

Posts: 106
Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2022 7:41 pm
Location: Berlin

Re: Failed unmounting /home & /tmp beim Neustart oder Herunterfahren

Post by DenalB »

tobias wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 12:12 pm
der Dienst verwendet jetzt vermutlich eine andere Syncovery.cfg-Datei als vorher
Wo könnte diese cfg-Datei denn nun zu finden sein und warum sollte eine andere Datei genutzt werden?
tobias wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 12:12 pm
Ich habe Arch-Linux vor einiger Zeit getestet und konnte Syncovery problemlos als Debian-Package installieren!

Es gibt dpkg auch unter Arch.

Zum Beispiel mit dieser Kommandozeile:

sudo dpkg -i Syncovery-10.14.3-amd64.deb

Den Guardian würde ich weglassen, der wird nicht gebraucht und könnte eventuell beim Shutdown stören.
Ok. Das probiere ich direkt mal aus. Danke!

Posts: 1712
Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 7:37 pm

Re: Failed unmounting /home & /tmp beim Neustart oder Herunterfahren

Post by tobias »

möglicherweise habe ich mich da geirrt. Der Pfad zu Syncovery.cfg steht immer da, wenn man SyncoveryCL aufruft. In diesem Fall:

Vermutlich hat der sich nicht geändert, aber der Webserver ist noch nicht aktiviert worden.

Wenn WebServer nicht konfiguriert ist, muss man aufrufen:

SyncoveryCL SET /WEBSERVER=localhost

Und danach den Dienst neu starten, z. B. mit
SyncoveryCL stop
SyncoveryCL start

Diese und viele andere hilfreiche Kommandozeilen findet man unter

Posts: 106
Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2022 7:41 pm
Location: Berlin

Re: Failed unmounting /home & /tmp beim Neustart oder Herunterfahren

Post by DenalB »

Den Webserver hatte ich bereits aktiviert. Hab Syncovery ja auch bereits erfolgreich genutzt. Nur bisher nicht mit über systemd gestarteten Diensten ... Als ich die Dienste per Crontab gestartet hatte, lief alles problemlos.

Ich spiele mal noch etwas mit Syncovery rum. Danke! ;)

Post Reply