Does "Pause the profile" during an active sync pause in the middle of a file or after in-flight files are synced?

English Support for Syncovery on Linux etc.
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Does "Pause the profile" during an active sync pause in the middle of a file or after in-flight files are synced?

Post by IMTheNachoMan »

I'm backing up 1.5 TB of data and it is syncing 3 files at a time.

If I click the Pause the profile button:
  1. Will it pause in the middle of any files or will it finish syncing the 3 in-progress files and then pause?
  2. Can I reboot my machine after I pause it and restart after reboot?
Also, what happens if I reboot my machine without pausing? Will it auto pause or will it cancel/terminate the job?

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Re: Does "Pause the profile" during an active sync pause in the middle of a file or after in-flight files are synced?

Post by tobias »

the Pause button tries to do the appropriate thing. What's appropriate depends very much on the transfer protocol used. Some transfers can be stopped and resumed, others can only be lowered in transfer rate. Others have to finish up a chunk and can then wait until the job is no longer paused.

Rebooting is the same as canceling a profile. It has to start over with building the file list and then copying remaining files.

Interrupted large file transfers can only resume with local drives, network drives, and FTP and SSH/SFTP. All other protocols have to re-copy a big file from the start.

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