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How do folder paths work for deletions in online accounts?

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 3:07 am
by IMTheNachoMan
I am backing data up to BackBlaze B2. My left/right sides are:
  • Left-Hand Side = /home/nacho
  • Right-Hand Side = ext://my-bucket-name/nacho
I want deleted files to be created in: ext://my-bucket-name/trash, and I want the source folder structure re-created.

This is what the help text says:
Example for valid paths when using an Internet Protocol

\Archive ( archive folder in root folder )
.\Archive ( archive folder in profile's base folder )
..\Archive ( archive folder one level higher )
Archive ( archive folder is created in every subfolder where a file has to be deleted )
What is the difference in "archive folder in root folder" and "archive folder in profile's base folder"? What exactly is root folder? What does "profile's base folder" mean?

I also want older version of files to be created in ext://my-bucket-name/older and I want the source folder structure re-created, but I can't figure out what settings to use in the Versioning tab to make this happen.

Re: How do folder paths work for deletions in online accounts?

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 11:20 am
by tobias
the base folder is nacho, and the root folder is just the bucket itself.

So you should specify the path like this:


Backslash like in the help should work also, but a forward slash fits more the way the Internet URLs are written.

Likewise, the older folder can be specified as:


Re: How do folder paths work for deletions in online accounts?

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 2:03 pm
by IMTheNachoMan
Great. Thank you!!