Limit e-mails on Conflict

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Limit e-mails on Conflict

Post by azio »

Hi, Is there a way to limit the number of e-mails sent on a conflict error? I've tried Program Settings - Notify tab - Send email after last run only, changing maximum runs on Profile access & retries - waiting & retrying - Maximum re-runs. I'd only like to receive one email on a job profile conflict for one file. Thank you.

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Re: Limit e-mails on Conflict

Post by tobias »

so the problem is that the job runs frequently and sends an e-mail every time? Would you like to get one email per day?

Currently the best solution seems to be to choose the digest feature on the Notify tab sheet of the Program Settings dialog.

Another way would be with a custom PascalScript.

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Re: Limit e-mails on Conflict

Post by azio »

Hi, Thank you. The job runs frequently, but when the error occurred, I believe the job stopped. Since it's set to do nothing on conflict. When the error occurs, I get multiple error emails for the single conflict error. I would just like one for the occurrence.

I'd appreciate a PascalScript... I found the one you posted to another user to stop notification when a network drive is disconnected and I am using it (thanks for that!). Sorry, I am not a programmer and wouldn't know where to start.

Question though, since I'm already using a script (globally) for the network drive access, can I add another? Or is it just added to the end of the existing?

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Re: Limit e-mails on Conflict

Post by tobias »

jobs are never "stopped". The repeated runs will occur as usual, and each run will send exactly one e-mail notification.

The new functionality would need to be added to the existing script. I will be working on it.

Have you tried the Digest feature?

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Re: Limit e-mails on Conflict

Post by azio »

Thanks so much! I haven't looked at the Digest Feature. I wasn't sure what that was and I just searched help and didn't see any info. I assume it sends a summary of job run results, including errors on a set frequency? Maybe I should just set the retry re-run to once instead of 3? But that would still generate two e-mails... Once for initial run and again on re-run, if I understand correctly.

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Re: Limit e-mails on Conflict

Post by tobias »

You can choose whether to get one email per repeated run or not.

What I meant mainly is that if your job runs every 5 minutes, you will get an email every 5 minutes.

Using a digest makes sure you only get an email once per day or on the interval that you choose.

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Re: Limit e-mails on Conflict

Post by azio »

Thanks, I will check it out. I'll also try changing to re-run once and maximum re-runs to 1.

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