Versioning not actually moving version to specified folder

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Versioning not actually moving version to specified folder

Post by linguy11 »

I'm trying to set up versioning for a job and seem to be running into an issue getting this to place the versions in a folder I have defined.

I've checked off the "Keep older versions when replacing" 2 per file
"Only right-hand side" is checked
"Move into folder" is checked and set to "~history" (though I've tried other locations like "history" and "older")
"Recreate tree below one "Older" folder is checked
"Keep one version of deleted files is checked.
"Filename Encoding" is checked.

Now, if I delete a file, it moves the deleted file into that "~history" folder which is good. But if I replace a file via editing and saving the file. It's still placing the additional versions in the same folder as the original file and isn't actually moving it to the defined location. Not sure if this is a bug or I'm missing some means of configuring this.

*UPDATE* Looks like this happens when "Filename Encoding" is checked. When I uncheck it, it moves the versions to the folder. Although now the problem is it's just adding endless quantities of file version regardless of only a max of 2 being set...

Also - is there a way to define a specific amount of time to keep a version? Like if I want to keep a deleted file for a period of time after it's been deleted. Or if I want to store an unlimited number of versions but just have them get deleted after X days have passed?


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Re: Versioning not actually moving version to specified folder

Post by tobias »

yes, the option "Filename Encoding" implies that all files get the timestamp added to their names, and will stay in the main folder when versioned.

There is currently no way to let older versions be deleted after a period of time. The limit is only the number of older versions.

If versions are not cleaned up, please check if a Syncovery update is available that might fix it. If not, can you share a log file? Please send it to

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Re: Versioning not actually moving version to specified folder

Post by linguy11 »

Thanks for the reply. I think this filename encoding will work fine.

Unfortunately, I don't have a log file showing those versions that were not getting removed from that folder. I've been playing around finding ways to use this in my workflow creating and removing profiles. So the data from that is already long gone lol

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