I have a machine that commonly has <2 GB of free memory when I try to run a profile. Commonly my profiles are reading 10000+ files over SMB, sometimes 100000+, but most commonly it is around 5000 files. Recently (within the past few months) almost all of my profiles will refuse to run. The message I get when I try to run is inconsistent. Sometimes it says it failed to run due to low memory. Sometimes it says there was nothing to do (which is false). Sometimes it says it did something, but it didn't (which in this case I think is just the previous post-run status message being shown again). I had no problem running profiles on this machine before the recent change that brought the message stating that a profile will not run due to low memory. I'm currently running Syncovery 10.16.14.
What I request is the following:
- Please make the failure messages consistent.
- Please always show a message when it fails why it fails.
- When it fails, please explain what I can do to make it succeed. Such as telling me how much free memory is needed.
- An icon on each profile that indicates which profiles can be run with the current available memory would be ideal.
I understand that this is the result of a new safety feature that prevents profiles from running is to prevent a failure to copy files in some cases. However this has rendered this software, which used to work without an issue before this safety feature was implemented, useless for me on this machine. It is a new laptop and I cannot upgrade the RAM because it is soldered on, surely I'm not the only user having this problem. And this broken safety feature was released at a point right at the end of the support cycle for Syncovery 10. Will this be fixed? Really it should be, the safety feature doesn't work correctly (inconsistent messaging, no indication of how to resolve) and it unnecessarily prevents me from running profiles that run just fine with my typical free memory.
I'm happy to generate logs to help any development efforts, please just let me know what you need.