File Selection, cannot get to bottom of selection buttons

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File Selection, cannot get to bottom of selection buttons

Post by Contractor5Prepays9 »

see attached
profile, has SELECTED items.
left side has lots of folders, and the open window in syncovery cannot be scrolled, to get to buttons at bottom to select OK, etc.
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Re: File Selection, cannot get to bottom of selection buttons

Post by tobias »

I think the window extends beyond the bottom of your screen. Have you tried clicking the Maximize button in the top right? That should make it fit. Of course there are other ways to resize the window, even if it extends beyond the bottom.

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Re: File Selection, cannot get to bottom of selection buttons

Post by Contractor5Prepays9 »

the problem is that i cannot even get to the top menu line. that prior screen shot somehow got it in, but see current one , this is usualy the case, top menu bar (with minimize, "x" out, minimize) is missing also

if i hit the ESCape button, that wil get rid of the window, but if i make modifications, i need to be able to select "OK"
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Re: File Selection, cannot get to bottom of selection buttons

Post by tobias »

maybe the dialog remembered a larger size from a different monitor setup that you may have had.

I can still see a small part of the window's title bar. It should be sufficient to double-click that small bar at the top, and it will maximize the window.

You should also be able to drag the window downwards by grabbing the small part of the window title bar that you can see.

Finally, you can operate the window complete using the keyboard. Hit Alt+Space to access the window menu. Then you can hit M to move, and move it with arrow keys. After the first arrow key, the window will also be attached to your mouse. If you can see the window menu, you can also choose one of its other items, such as Maximize.

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Re: File Selection, cannot get to bottom of selection buttons

Post by Contractor5Prepays9 »

i am able to get just a tab of the top to activate the windows 11 placement. i made it a 1/4 of page. it is workable, but no way to get it to come back as that, it goes to the oversized column again.
i then retried it, and it DID make it smaller; i will cotinue to experiment...
thanks very much !

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