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Thank you for a great product and support!

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:30 am
by linguy11
I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for this software and your continued support. I've been using the software for just over 2 years now and it just works! Since I've set it up I can't remember the last issue, error or problem I've had with it. It just runs in the background like a champ backing my stuff up regularly.

I'm always amazed to see the frequency of updates that come out for the software too, the track record of consistent updates and improvements that are released really instills a good feeling that the software has a bright future and confirms my investment in the product was a good one.

And finally, I want to say just how much I appreciate the dedication to support in the forum. There are soooo many support request threads posted on here all the time and it's amazing how Tobias has replied to every one without fail.

So thank you for all you do!