HTTP ERROR 409 Conflict - Name already exists

General Discussion in English
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Re: HTTP ERROR 409 Conflict - Name already exists

Post by tobias »

please cancel it and then we need to look into the log file. There are probably errors.

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Re: HTTP ERROR 409 Conflict - Name already exists

Post by Paradoxical »


Sorry for late reply.

These files are still problematic:

Code: Select all

1ra sesión.mp4   221 MB
2da sesión.mp4   159 MB
3ra sesión.mp4   199 MB
4ta sesión.mp4   291 MB
5ta sesión.mp4   153 MB
6ta sesión.mp4   153 MB
7ma sesión.mp4   141 MB
8va sesión.mp4   98.8 MB

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Re: HTTP ERROR 409 Conflict - Name already exists

Post by tobias »

the uploads are interrupted, possibly by a bad Internet connection or a Firewall or anti-virus software.

I have tested uploads to OneDrive with the same file names and similar file sizes and there were no issues.

Maybe you can try a different Internet connection? Also make sure it's wired Ethernet and not WLAN.

In Syncovery, there are also two things you can try (alternative SSL/TLS libraries):

- under "Proxy Settings" on the Internet Protocol Settings dialog, choose "Use Windows Settings". This will cause Syncovery to use WinInet instead of OpenSSL

- or, keep the Proxy setting off and go to the Program Settings dialog, tab sheet "Cloud", and choose: "Use SecureBlackBox SSL/TLS rather than OpenSSL".

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Re: HTTP ERROR 409 Conflict - Name already exists

Post by Paradoxical »

No bad internet connection.
I use Windows Firewall only controlled by Windows Firewall Control by Binisoft. Pertinent rules allowed.
No Antivirus software.
Wired Ethernet connection.
Tried both things (Use Windows Settings and Use SecureBlackBox SSL/TLS rather than OpenSSL), one at a time and both at the same time. Didn't work.

I think it's a OneDrive issue not Syncovery cause I tried with a 210 MB executable file and the same result. I think it's a file size limitation not file extension.

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Re: HTTP ERROR 409 Conflict - Name already exists

Post by tobias »

Sometimes there can be server bugs, or maybe your OneDrive is full?

Maybe you can try again in a week or so. The transfers can also be analyzed in detail by turning on "Internet Protocol Logging" on the Program Settings dialog, tab sheet Logs.

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Re: HTTP ERROR 409 Conflict - Name already exists

Post by Paradoxical »

I appreciate the suggestions but no, I'm done with this.
Thanks for you great support.

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Re: HTTP ERROR 409 Conflict - Name already exists

Post by tobias »

thanks! Yes there are many other clouds, personally I prefer Google Drive and DropBox for personal use.

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Re: HTTP ERROR 409 Conflict - Name already exists

Post by Paradoxical »

Yes, I already use those two, I just wanted to have an extra cloud for backup though.

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Re: HTTP ERROR 409 Conflict - Name already exists

Post by tobias »

just to complete the information in this thread. If there are every problems with larger files, you can specify a split size on the Internet Protocol Settings dialog. Just use the checkmark at the bottom, and specify, for example:

Split Large Files - Maximum Part Size: 50 M

Where the M stands for MegaBytes.

I will also reduce the chunk size used to upload to OneDrive in this weekend's update. Currently the chunk size is 60 MB.

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Re: HTTP ERROR 409 Conflict - Name already exists

Post by Paradoxical »

Thanks a lot, superb support from you.

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