Just purchased a copy and am trying to work through filter exclusions.
Is there a mask that I can use to exclude all subfolders with a particular name. I imagine it would be something along the lines of *\bin\*.*
E.g. I would like to exclude all subfolders named "bin" and the result should be the exclusion of these folders:
Exclude subfolders
Re: Exclude subfolders
The best way is to type just
This will exclude all items named bin everywhere, and of course subfolders too.
This will exclude all items named bin everywhere, and of course subfolders too.
Re: Exclude subfolders
Thank you for the prompt reply!
That will probably work for most of the scenarios I need.
It would be perfect if I had a way of excluding just folders. This is good enough though.
That will probably work for most of the scenarios I need.
It would be perfect if I had a way of excluding just folders. This is good enough though.
Re: Exclude subfolders
yes this will be made more flexible in a future version.
Special requirements can currently be fulfilled with a PascalScript function. For example, to exclude only bin folders:
This can be added to the profile via "Job->PacalScript..." .
However if you have a really large number of files, the script might slow down the scanning process. This is definitely slower than the exclusion mask which I recommended.
See also
yes this will be made more flexible in a future version.
Special requirements can currently be fulfilled with a PascalScript function. For example, to exclude only bin folders:
Code: Select all
function OnIncludeItem(const FileName, RelativePath: UnicodeString;
const isRightSide, isFolder:Boolean;
const FileSize:Int64; const FileAttr:LongWord;
const Connector: Opaque):Boolean;
Result:=not isFolder or (FileName<>'bin');
However if you have a really large number of files, the script might slow down the scanning process. This is definitely slower than the exclusion mask which I recommended.
See also
Re: Exclude subfolders
"yes this will be made more flexible in a future version."

Re: Exclude subfolders
yes there is a big difference.
*bin* would exclude files and folders named for example
Robin Hood
Binary Files
But bin excludes just bin.
You could theoretically type *\bin\* but there is no reason to do it. It only makes the processing unnecessarily complicated.
yes there is a big difference.
*bin* would exclude files and folders named for example
Robin Hood
Binary Files
But bin excludes just bin.
You could theoretically type *\bin\* but there is no reason to do it. It only makes the processing unnecessarily complicated.